As for my protective hair styles I may be doing the bun's for hot spring/summer days and maybe a beautiful lace front or wig.
Pictured below are from hair stop and shop website and there is no copyrights intended. Only for blog purpose...

Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer 8 oz
Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer 8 oz
Juicy Moisturizing Daily Spritz 8 fl oz.

Deja's Hair Milk 8 fl oz.
Price: $15.00

Picture's from the Bee Mine Hair care products not intended for nothing other than blogging.
Thank you ladies for viewing
I could totally identify with the things you were saying. I stretched my relaxer for 8 months. Got some nasty tangles & decided to just relax. The shrinkage can literally drive a person crazy! I feel like I can see my progress more when I am relaxed. It is also more manageable for me.
The decision to relax or not is very much a personal one. It irritates me also when people try to take that Nazi stance (on either side) to "convert" others.
If you hair is that dry, have you tried Roux Porosity control? Traycee has some great info about it (on her blog). Are you moisturizing & sealing 2x a day? My hair has really changed since I applied these things to my regimine.
Thanks so much for the update.
Thank you girl and I have bee slipping off my rocker from the kiss site and I am going to go check into that. My hair is dry but not like it was in the past!
Thank you
and HHG to you as well
Hey mama! I just saw your "help" hair video. If your hair is protein sensitive, then using the entire Bee Mine line may not be for you (although I absolutely love that line, been using for almost a year). But that luscious cream moisturizer is the freakin bizness. The most important thing is to be mentioned that you fall off sometimes and your hair KNOWS when you do that, feel me? Since you are on KISS, I'm sure you've seen the list of moisturizing products. Have you tried baggying on a regular basis? That really helps with the dryness also. I agree with xellus - moisturize and seal 2x per day. I did this religiously for a good 3 months and FINALLY my hair seemed to turn around. GOOD LUCK & Keep us updated!
Thank you ladies for the infomation
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