I wanted to give this Product a good testing out before I review it! I think its a must have when it comes to damaged or dry hair. I noticed a good response first use.I have noticed less breakage along with my hair becoming stronger. So far I have used it 3 times and I feel $6.49 at Sally's using your Sally card of course is a good buy.
I love Aphogee products, I use it when my hair is in need of a good protein treatment...loving the blogs...I need to start paying more attention to mine.
I know I go to your blog everyday!
Really?! Thanks for keeping up with me, now I really need to get on it...you know, today is my b-day...well was...Nov 5th.
I'm loving your blogs, very informative, very fun!
so do uou use this every other wash?? and do you use it in conjunction with another conditioner??
I only use it as needed, My hair doesnt need alot of protein so I may use it once a month
i too love aphogee i did the shampoo for damaged hair and the two minute reconstructor then i flat ironed with the green tea and keratin reconstructinizor or whatever its called and i felt like i went to the shop!
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