Woke up and couldnt do a dam thing to my hair! Hey but it felt nice! LOL
I just pinned it back, Hell Im just going to the store! Maybe I should throw on a wig!MMMMMMMmmmmmmm

I dont wanna toot or beep beep, But my hair feels so good ladies right now I am hoping it last. I was told by a YTuber who doesnt make vids about Phyto products Now dont say it! Pink that shit is high! I tried the shampoo & conditoner for dry hair. It was not love at first use but it was not bad! It wasnt until the maybe the 3rd use I was like Yeah! I think I didnt want to fall inlove with the conditioner because it's 28.00 bucks. But guess what I have wasted money on freaking foundation and shadow and this is my Dam Hair! Its worth it women are loosing there hair for health reason so if I can keep mines shal be done!
Last Night
I left shea butter on my hair all day under cap, then later that evening/night I washed my hair with ORS Olive Oil Shampoo, Then I followed with Phyto Shampoo (phytojoba) Followed with Phytospecific intense nutrition mask wrapped my turbie towel on for 15 minutes and then rinse with luke warm bottled water. Okay after taking a towel and removing the excess water. I Did Black Tea Rinse I use The Tea Nation Earl Grey brand which is a little higher Than Lipton (whatever you use It will be fine) Now I have done a total of 3 BTR (Black Tea Rinse) The first time I did it I felt my hair and was like wth? But as my hair tried some under the towel it felt so much better and it felt stronger!

After Air drying 80% of My hair
I parted sections and used Bio fusion hair mois/from root to tip then I sealed with Sally's BSS Aragan Oil and braided each section/ typed my hair wrap on and I will ad photo's in the morning.
Wash day Photo's
Other Products I have been using for shedding
Unscented garlic shampoo/conditioner I am not in love with these products only because of they make your hair feel kinda stripped or squeaky clean so I use them when I have worked out and used lots of stuff in my hair. When it truly needs a good washing LOL.
I also use the hot oil non of these have a scent I picked the unscented. I cannot say They 100% stopped the shedding because I have taken other options to helping my hair as well. These products had mixed reviews but are very cheap so I gave them a GO! And I have seen less shedding between using these and the Black Tea rinse. IF I HAD TO PICK it would be the BLACK TEA RINSE hands down!
Since I have thick new grow, I use The JUICE Hawaiian silky 14 in 1 On my new growth and Aragan oil. As for my scalp I use DR. Miracles scalp treatment or either my Dro gro oil scalp oily! I have made it simple and plan so far just to see how it goes. Looking for other options because I am a product junkie!

Lets see what the day bring?
Now what do to with it after all that work????? lol
I have been drinking a total of 9 water bottles a Day! Drinking more sugar free drinks. I do get my Pop/ soda On and Its maybe 1 with dinner to round my calories over lol. But I drink 2 bottles of water for every drink like soda, I dont have trouble drinking water because it comes right back out! I have to stay home I hate public restrooms lol
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